how to write Java Applet lifecycle program (init,start,stop,distroy).
Hello Friends,
Today I will explain how can we write Java Applet lifecycle program.
In this program I have print init,start,stop & distroy method.
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class second extends Applet
String str1="";
public void init()
str1 +="init::";
System.out.println("nt "+str1);
public void start()
str1 +="start::";
System.out.println("nt "+str1);
public void stop()
str1 +="stop::";
System.out.println("nt "+str1);
public void destroy()
str1 +="destroy.";
System.out.println("nt "+str1);
public void paint(Graphics g)